Become a business sponsor today and help promote the Corpus Christi crime watch. Your donation helps us buy neighborhood watch signs, door sticker signs, pamphlets, brochures and materials that go out to our neighborhood. We also have other programs in place that we're developing the need funds to make them successful. Our main goal is to make Corpus Christi a safe community to live in.


By becoming a sponsor Corpus Christi crime watch., you can help support programs like CCCP CCCW which is the Corpus Christi community Patrol - Thurston community Patrol. Which is a group of volunteers who Patrol our neighborhoods to keep Corpus Christi - Thurston Ohio safe. These volunteers are looking for suspicious activity. Anything out of the ordinary gets reported to the Corpus Christi Police Department. Any type of crime that's being committed are volunteers dial 911. Our Corpus Christi crime watch. groups help keep our streets safe by reporting anything that looks suspicious. With all the door to door salespeople, it's hard to tell who's legit and who's casing your house for their next robbery. We have many programs coming into place. We have programs such as Knight Call. The Knight Call program is where our volunteers from the Corpus Christi community Patrol come to your location to help you feel safe while entering your home or business at night. The Knight Call program it's not only for senior citizens but for anybody that needs it and feels unsafe well entering their home at night. When it's late at night or dark the bad guys like to pray on unassuming citizens who are coming and going from their car to their homes. We at the Corpus Christi crime watch. are here to make a better and safer community.

We can only do this with your support as a sponsor. There are all types of sponsorships. You can make a one-time donation or monthly donation or become a business sponsor who sponsors us yearly. There's a lot of expense that goes into our programs. We have many programs coming online this year. With all the crime lately and Corpus Christi, it's time for a community to stand up and say enough is enough. We need your help to do this as a sponsor.

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© 2020 Corpus Christi Crime Watch